Synopsis: Sam leaps into a well known Star Wars character, hours before they make their debut on the big screen in The Force Awakens. His disorientation causes him much distress as they race against time to save the galaxy.
Length: Approximately 6200 words. This includes a prologue and five chapters.
Written: May 2019
Author’s Notes: I used to be a member of a Star Wars message board. When they asked me to write some fan-fiction, this was one of the ideas that I had. Actually, I came up with the idea from an old fanfic I read from Mary Jean Holmes (who no longer has a website or I’d link to it). She may have collaborated with Kristen Shelley, one of my favorite fanfic writers of all time. They did a Quantum Leap/Back to the Future crossover that I thought was fantastic.
Anyway, I wanted to see if I could pull off something as crazy as a Quantum Leap/Star Wars crossover, so I wrote the first version of this story back in 2005/2006. Long story short, the entire forum that housed that story is now gone, so I had to start over from scratch. I really can’t remember how I wrote the original story, but I thought the best place to insert Sam in this story was into The Force Awakens story line. This is the result. Hope you enjoy!
Full PDF version: If you prefer to read the story in PDF form, here is the entire story as a PDF file: A Leap for Chewy
WordPress Version: Here is the link to the story posted as a blog post on this website: A Leap for Chewy